Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Updated Profile

I updated my profile. How's it look?

Janwril Mayhem: When are you back from kandia?


General Mayhem said...

Saturday night. On sunday I am making signs. VACATION suckas, VACATION.

BTW concerts I'm going to during vacation. Let me know if you are interested:

Subhumans, August 30
Real McKenzies, September 2
Dave Matthews, September 3

General Mayhem said...

Subhumans are an old 80s punk band from U.K. that got their influences from Sex Pistols. Mostly hardcore music, OI! Punk and that likes. Expect a down-and-dirty mosh pit. Adm1n and Johnny - It'll be crazier than Agent Orange mosh pit. Berni, if you still check out the board, it'll be short and sweet like the Real McKenzies mosh pit. Not crowded like the mainstage, but certainly more energetic. Ticket cost 10 - 15

Then, September 2 - The Real McKenzies are coming to Studio Seven. This is the concert that you come to fucked up on beer and whisky. Or at least I will. It can only be defined as great drinking music. And they are mostly scottish influence. Ticket estimate 10-20

Dave Matthews is self-explanatory - Though tickets to this are probably the most expensive 30 - 45 not to mention camp ground costs, beer and gas costs.

Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...

I looked up the Dave Mathews Band... THey aren't playing on September 3rd. They are playing on Sunday the second.

I'm down to go if you still do.

General Mayhem said...

earectile aren't they also playing on the first as well? I heard a rumor they were playing either two or three days over the weekend. I'll go to one, but I want to be back for that Real McKenzies on Sunday night. If Dave Matthews plays on saturday then it'll work.

General Mayhem said...

Berni, you can post blog entries I gave you rights.

Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...


General Mayhem said...

Yeah fat horny bitches indeed. ANd in 9 months a picture of that creep midget will pop outta her. All Squinting and grimacing. And fecal play