Monday, August 13, 2007


So I just bought 6 tickets for Sunday, November 4th @ 7pm.

Price is $50 even per ticket.

I get one, Paul wants one. Let me know if you want a ticket.


General Mayhem said...

Pill me up!

General Mayhem said...


Suzy Santhiago is my favorite.

General Mayhem said...

Oh yeah that link is not safe for work. For those whose workplaces which are anti-nipple. I love nipples. I want to work somewhere that is pro-nipple.

General Mayhem said...

If I were a president, I would run a Pro-Nipple campaign, and accuse my opponents of having anti-nipple policies.

I'd win in Nevada, Louisianna, Florida, and California. I'd definately lose in whichever state these prudes are from.

Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...

I like a few of them! That one that is third row from the right, second column, 4th picture makes me want to poop.

How 'bout you, Admin?

PS Cash up front or no ticket this time A-Holes!

Is Corey down?

General Mayhem said...

3rd row from the right of the second column, fourth down. wtf I have no idea what you just said martian! Also, what's her name cause every now and then they change the order those ladies are in!

Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...

HAHA Just making fun of Admin because we were talking when I bought the tickets and were having trouble picking locations.

Gerneral May Ham... I forgot my clippers...

I put a reminder in my phone to grab them tonight. I'll bring them over right after work TOMorrow and buy you a beer for forgetting. Deal?

General Mayhem said...

Earectile, You are a hoser

General Mayhem said...


Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...

At the Bush Protest, I want to bring Pro-Nipple picket signs. Come up with a chant like... "We Want Nipples! Don't Bomb Nepal!" or "Up with Nipples! Down with War!"

I'll figure something out.

Berni said...

I am in how do you want me to give you the monees.