Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Is any one planning to hit up bumbershoot? If so what days. I Plan on going one day but i am not sure which day.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Updated Profile

I updated my profile. How's it look?

Janwril Mayhem: When are you back from kandia?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

George Carlin Coming To Town

He will be at the Benaroya Hall on September 28th.

Tickets go on sale this Saturday. I'd be willing to go, anyone else? I've been wanting to see him live!

Monday, August 13, 2007


So I just bought 6 tickets for Sunday, November 4th @ 7pm.

Price is $50 even per ticket.

I get one, Paul wants one. Let me know if you want a ticket.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Round 2

So after telling everyone at work about skydiving I have a couple of people who want to go. I am also thinking about get certified for solo jumping as well and from how I read it you need to jump every 30 days it order to get certified. I am going to call them tomorrow and get reservations for myself and people from work so let me know if you want to go as well. This time were going to snohomish because its a hell of a lot closer. Let me know by tomorrow it you want to go again.

A Magazine for the Boys Over Seas

Lonely? Need some good animal lovin? Or just like to look at people get loved by animals... Paul... Then check this one out!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Jeff-Justin Text Conversation

Wanted everyone to see the events leading up-to and following finding out that Jeff was not going to skydive. I burned the shit out of him. Basterd...

Text to Jeff on Monday: You still in for friday/saturday?

From Jeff: I guess :-( I'm piss broke but then again, I'm gonna buy a laptop.

to Jeff: Laptops can wait. You need to live first!

*rest of texts are irrelevent*

Text from Allan Wednesday: Jeff can't go jump because he has pink eye!

I immediately call Allan. Conversation went something like..blah blah Jeff is a doosh..blah blah..pussy...blah blah..asshole...blah blah...lucky he got pink eye because I knew he wasn't going to go...blah blah blah...

Text to Jeff: doosh

From Jeff: fuck that ill still go if u want!!!! Hhahahaa

To Jeff: lol Naw its cool. You dont have to go if Youre scared.

From Jeff: Sheit. Don't use my stripper!

To Jeff: U know u still owe me $30. I put the deposit when u were still down.

From Jeff: Haha np

To Jeff: Call it the Pussy Fee

Fom Jeff: Ha!! I got hosed!.....for the next 2 weeks

SO... I was pretty much a dick to him. But he is a dick for sleeping with his contacts in and getting Pink Eye!