Thanks to Ear/Rectile Dysfunkshun, this must be done!
I think this will be my last blashpemous post for the week.
BTW I Will Be Back This Weekend. Static X on Sunday. If The Weather Is Good, I'm Going To The Beach.
The burning sensation will go away after a while. That's what Corey's doctor told him at least.
I told some of my German jokes at work....they were greatly unappreciated. Why did Hitler commit suicide? He got the gas bill.
If you look at the globe carefully you will notice that America is in the front. Now this means a couple of things. First off god wants to smite those on the other side of the planet (North Korea, Iran, Iraq) for being sons of a bitches. Jesus has his throbbing circumsized member shoved directly up America's ass. Obviously he's pissed at George Bush for being a general retard. I mean he doesn't even have the common courtesy to give us a reach around. Lastly, since he is directly fuking the other countries and only sneakily doin us from behind...America is the best damn country in the world...these colors don't run..white power...wait I took that too far
Troy needs to see this depiction of God Earth. Ear/REctile, do you have any contact info of him? I think his myspace is deleted
Adm1n, I think you are correct. Also notice the gloating nature of Jesus, who is obviously showing off his transgressions.
How many tickets for Static X did you get? I told you I'd go if you bought me a ticket and I'd pay you back. I'm too lazy to buy tickets...
Do you think he penetrated Earth to the core? Is he taking a core sample? Where is the moon? Just hanging out with a camera? Is Lava a good lubricant?
Does this mean that the Shark was not actually jesus? Maybe it was a Jesus Sperm?
lol i get the hitler joke.
Yeah Earectile I bought two tickets - 1 for you and 1 for me. I'll pick up my friend Loren from the mukilteo ferry lane and then we'll head to seattle.
Does anyone find it weird that Jesus is wearing dress pants with dress socks. Must have just had a meeting with god and this was the after party. Jesus loves his wine.
Dammit I need to set up that website so that anyone can post new threads(blogs)
I think that'll be my project on Saturday, I've been bein lazy about it and I need to get back into programming a little anyways based on my last interview. The interviewer showed me some C++ code and asked me what the & was for in 'printf("%d",&variable);' and I couldn't even remember that it was the address of the variable. I felt like such an ass
well, you are what you eat. Ass.
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