Monday, May 14, 2007



There will be a barbeque on wednesday at my place.

What I have:

  • Portable Barbeque
  • 1/2 bag charcoal and lighter fluid
  • Tongs, spatulas, brush, sauce brushes
  • Cooler & Ice packs

NOTE: Cordell is not invited. Do not tell him.

PS: The extra 'B' is for BYOBB


Anonymous said...

What is the extra B on BYOBB stand for?

I will bring a half-rack of ribs. I'm not going to bring any alchochol though because I've decided to become Mormon.

I can also bring some extra char-coal and lighter fluid.

General Mayhem said...

That extra B is a typo.

General Mayhem said...

German Jokes. Not ethnic jokes, but rather jokes which originate from Germany. Oh my god how unbelievably lame. Until you read about 10 or 15 then you get the idea.

Adm1n said...

I'm up fer gettin the beers this time around. Maybe I'll buy some burger meat, cheese, and buns. Will we need much else for jus the three of us?

General Mayhem said...

A kid is riding down the street when his chain pops off his bicycle. The kid yells "God damm!" as he begins to fix it. A priest walking nearby overhears the boy taking god's name in vein and says "Don't say 'God damm'
say 'God help us'".

The kid says, "I am an atheist, get away from me".

General Mayhem said...

Burgers sounds great! Use your expertise judgment on how much to get.

Adm1n said...

heh, What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?

'Can I offer you an ice pack?'
...funny in a really lame kind of way. It would be fun to say around some sensitive feminist that might have heard the original joke before.

General Mayhem said...

lol, I like this one:

What's sad about 4 black people in a cadillac going over a cliff?

They were my friends