Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm gonna buy tickets tomorrow. Tickets were sold out

From what I remember, Earectile, Adm1n, and Johhny - youse guys wanna go. Confirm here on the board. It's saturday, like somewhere around 7 or 9 o ' clock. So I bet there will be some scalpers. Tickets according to ticket master were 37 to 42 bucks.


Adm1n said...

Is that this coming Saturday then?

Ear/Rectile Disfunkshun said...

I have to work sunday morning, and scalper tickets are going to be expensive...that's why they are called SCALPERS. I'm out for this one, sorry.

General Mayhem said...

You have to work sunday morning? dayam.

Yeah Adm1n its' this coming saturday. The scalpers will probably raise it to under $50.00.... But I bet we can haggle for good rates. R U still interested in going??

Adm1n said...

Nah, I'm movin out soon and need the extra money to cover the first/last months rent we have to pay up front