Church of Scientology. Broad daylight. A block down the street, there was a crazy motherfucker who was walking like an ape with a can of spraypaint in his hand. He would leer at people, then get down on his knees and start tagging the bottom of the lightposts that dotted the downtown city street. One dude gave him the most wicked arched brow, and the crazy guy gave him the craziest leer in the world, then walked down 10 meters and started to spray the bottom of the next lamp post. Fucking crazy. Fuck.king crazy.
So, if you saw a guy spraypainting lamp posts what would you do? Would you give him an unapproving arched brow? Would you ignore him? or would you take pictures like I did?
You motherfucker... That isn't some dude spray painting and leering, that is the goddamn Big Foot! That quality of pic, it looks just like other Big Foot pics I've seen.
If I saw a dude spraypainting and leering.... Without having to prove myself I'd say I'd leer back then ask for a spray can and join. If I did have to prove myself, I'd probly just stare at him and laugh at the reactions of others. And take pics.
That's fucking awesome. I like the idea of crazy leering dude who suddenly acquires henchmen.
I'd totally roll with him for the rest of the day, calling myself one of his Apostles.
And that word rocks. The Apostles always reminds me of a kick-ass crew. If I had a streetgang, I'd name them The Apostles.
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