Friday, January 4, 2008

Hahah, take that you fucking scalpers!

Seahawks ticket buyers have time on their side
Prices are falling as Saturday's playoff game draws near

Fucking scalpers need to get punched. But look at them now, stuck with tickets in their hands and forced to sell them at nearly face value! You fucks thought you could make a dollar, huh? I hope you LOSE Money! And, I hope that stadium gets packed with fans who deserve it.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

even in death, we can be immortal

Vlad Tepes is considered one of histories greatest villians. He is most famously known as a basis for the original vampire. The original Dracula.

He ruled a small kingdom in the Balkans. His subjects lived in fear. His enemies lived in fear. After Tepes would defeat an army, he would impale prisoners on large pikes and leave them in the hills for all to see. He would do this to those not loyal to him. He would do this to powerful families to keep them in order. He would do this to those who broke the law.

The Impaler. Some had the pikes driven up their asses. Others hung by their rib cages. Others would decay and gradually slip to the ground, their own weight and gravity fighting the friction of the pike, forever spiked into the earth. Hundreds of bodies, impaled and hoisted in the air for all to see.

During this time, the Turkish Empire was growing in ambition. They had just vanquished Byzantium. The Fall of East Rome had just occured. West Rome could not muster the chaotic Europeans together to stop the Muslims. Europe could not unite to stop a powerful force like the Turks.

Kingdom by kingdom fell to the powerful Turks. Their ambition was to seize all of Europe. They certainly had the armies to do so.

The Turkish armies approached the kingdom of Tepes. At night, they thought they were approaching a forest. But as they drew closer, they realized this was not a forest of wood, but of bodies spired on 20' pikes. Tens of thousands of corpses hanging from poles. A forest of bodies.

The Turks withdrew their Balkan invasions - The troops feared what evil lay beyond the forests of death. No man was capable of this - It must have been demonic. The troops lost all morale to carry on any further, their leader grew sick and withdrew his armies. One insignifant kingdom buried in the woods and mountains and mists of Translyvania. One man.

No matter how large your enemy is, put enough fear in them so that even in death, they fear you. Even in death we can be immortal.

Friday, December 21, 2007

No November Topics?! Here's one for Christmas...

How did you do on Christmas Bonus?

From my work I got a $50 Gift Certificate for Best Buy.
From my INSURANCE company, I got a $95.21 check.

WTF?! My Insurance company gave me a better Year-End bonus than my Job!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Take California..

Google Maps offers evac routes and a map of how big the fires really are. Pretty amazing technology. Way to go Google. Good luck Cali.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Madness from Toronto!

Where the people are as crazy as anywhere else!

Church of Scientology. Broad daylight. A block down the street, there was a crazy motherfucker who was walking like an ape with a can of spraypaint in his hand. He would leer at people, then get down on his knees and start tagging the bottom of the lightposts that dotted the downtown city street. One dude gave him the most wicked arched brow, and the crazy guy gave him the craziest leer in the world, then walked down 10 meters and started to spray the bottom of the next lamp post. Fucking crazy. Fuck.king crazy.

So, if you saw a guy spraypainting lamp posts what would you do? Would you give him an unapproving arched brow? Would you ignore him? or would you take pictures like I did?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Packers are 3-0

..And John Madden is creaming his fucking pants he's such a Favre fan.

Therefore, I must destroy old art to make a twisted version of what must transpire through John Madden's mind when he commentates on a Packers game.

Maddenlangelo's The Creation of John

Friday, September 21, 2007

What did you learn today?

So I'm working the lights and audio at the "Fashion Week" at the Bellevue Square Mall right now. This is the first "fashion show" I've ever been to.

You know what I learned today? You don't have to be hot to be a model... Not even close.